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Boost Your Mood and Health with Laughter, the Outdoors and Good Food

Did you know that all across the United States, and around the world, there are Laughter Clubs? Such clubs provide a time and place for people of all ages and beliefs to come together to laugh, purely for the sake of laughter, and all its health and wellness benefits. Be open to laughter throughout the day - it is one of the finest (and most fun) ways to relieve and prevent stress. And you don't have to belong to a club.... see "Share a Laugh" below.

Dr. Liz and Coach Patti share a laugh on the Appalachian Trail

There is actually a scientific basis to the saying "laughter is the best medicine"! Laughter is one of the finest (and most fun) ways to relieve and prevent stress. Everyone experiences stress. It appears regularly to remind us of the edges and boundaries of our lives and our abilities. Stress is not the actual events in our lives; it is the body’s reaction to those events.

Stress becomes abnormal when it takes over our attention, filling up our minds with obsessions, worries and fears. If we feel our hearts starting to pound, or find ourselves consumed with thoughts about our jobs, families, and careers, we are likely experiencing unhealthy stress.

Stress out-of-control can raise blood pressure, and cause the release of excess stress hormones (adrenaline, cortisol). At one time or another in our lives, most of us have experienced these “fight-or-flight” physical symptoms related to stress. The great news is that our bodies are hardwired with some surprisingly powerful natural reactions to extended hearty laughter:

Laughter boosts energy. With laughter, blood and all major organs are fully oxygenated, leaving us bursting with energy. Being recharged with laughter enables us to stay focused, and accomplish our tasks. Take time to recharge with friends who make you laugh. Laughter relaxes the whole body. A good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed 45 minutes or more. Laughter boosts the immune system. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies. Our lymphatic system is massaged and our immune systems boosted, thus improving our resistance to disease. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of wellbeing and can even reduce aches and pains.

Laughter protects the heart. Laughter promotes the release of nitric oxide and improves the elasticity of blood vessels and increases blood flow, which can help protect you against a heart attack. Blood pressure drops, circulation improves and pulse rate drops. Read more - Laughter stimulates circulation to the brain by increasing diaphragmatic pressure, thus improving thought processes and cognitive abilities. Laughter dissolves distressing emotions. You can’t feel anxious, angry, or sad when you’re laughing. Depression is lifted; a daily dose of laughter has been shown to help relieve chronic depression. Laughing boosts our self- confidence, inspiring communication and creativity. Humor shifts perspective, allowing you to see situations in a less threatening light. A humorous perspective creates psychological relief, which can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed. Be open to humor and moments to laugh throughout your day.

Share a Laugh and breathing 'exercises' to try:

For 2 or more people: Person #1 "Ha", Person #2 "Ha, Ha", Next "Ha, ha, ha" and keep adding a "Ha" with each person, or back and forth between 2 people.... smile, don't resist laughing, and soon you'll be having a good "belly laugh". Go ahead, suspend your disbelief and try it!

Breathing exercises help us de-stress and refocus. By slowing down the exhale phase, we encourage our bodies to relax, and deepen into the moment, instead of being fraught with despair about the past, or worries about the future.

  1. Have you ever suddenly realized that you are holding your breath? Take a few times every day to touch base with yourself, and see if you might have just been holding your breath; if so, take a deep breath in through your nose, counting to four. Hold your breath for the count of 4, then slowly exhale to the count of 8. Or maybe start to the count of 2, or 3, and breathing out to the count of 4.

  2. For another stress break, try one quick breath in, and slow breath out any time you are feeling anxious, angry, or frustrated. This calms down your sympathetic nervous system, converting stress hormones to relaxing ones.

Companions to laughter and breathing exercises for our overall health, include spending time outdoors everyday and WFPB eating. Either in contemplation or with exercise, being in touch with the natural world opens us up to fresh air, the delight of growing plants, and shy, yet sometimes inquisitive creatures in our back yards and parks. Being outdoors reminds us of the silliness of some of our fears, and puts us in touch with something bigger than ourselves. Daylight is important to our sleep-wake cycle. Sunlight can help alleviate seasonal affective disorder. Vitamin D is important to bone health; sunlight is an important source of Vitamin D production. (read about Preventing Nature Deficit Disorder)

Improved mood with food! With every Healthy Eating Adventure, we hear testimonials of improved mood. Often after just a week with lots of fruits, veggies, legumes and whole grains, someone will stand up to say "my mood is better, I don't feel depressed any more", or "I'm sleeping better", and "my anxiety is gone", "I am a changed human being. I’m happy every day, I wake up rested and alert."

The foods we eat, as well as the "gut brain connection" have a direct impact on our mood.

•Serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine are important neurotransmitters

•Monoamine oxidase (MAO) is an enzyme that breaks them down. High MAO levels lead to low levels of these neurotransmitters, and can contribute to depression.

****The phytochemical quercetin (only in plant foods) acts as an MAO inhibitor (like a natural antidepressant); quercetin can increase the amount of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine in the brain.

•Foods with high levels of quercetin include apples, kale, berries, cherries, red grapes, onion, citrus fruits,green tea.

Gut bacteria (read about your microbiome) play a key role in healthy mood and decreasing neurodegenerative disorders by:

•Production of sufficient Neurotransmitters

•Maintaining a healthy gut wall and prevention of Leaky Gut; leaky gut can create chronic inflammation

  • Studies indicate, chronic inflammation reaching the brain, contributes to feelings of anxiety, stress, hopelessness, and depression

  • Acetylcholine is another Important Neurotransmitter. In the central nervous system it plays a role in motivation, arousal, attention, learning, and memory, and is involved in promoting REM sleep

  • It is decreased when the gut bacteria in the Standard American diet break down choline (Eat WFPB to prevent cultivating these guys!)

  • Choline is plentiful cruciferous veggies, beans, nuts, seeds, whole grains

Boost your mood with laughter, WFPB lifestyle, enjoying the out of doors, move throughout the day, exercise, smile.

You may even notice that laughter counteracts frown lines and other wrinkles by exercising facial muscles. Be aware though, laughter is contagious!



An Adventure is a community-based 28-day program that can kick-start you on a lifetime of healthier eating with a whole foods, plant based lifestyle.

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